The Chick Who Learned to Fly

The Chick Who Learned to Fly

There was once a little chick who lived on a farm with his mother and siblings. He loved to watch the birds fly in the sky, and he wished he could fly too. He asked his mother, “Mama, why can’t I fly like the birds?”

His mother said, “Because you are a chicken, my son. Chickens are not meant to fly. We have wings, but they are only for balance and warmth. We are happy to stay on the ground and eat worms and seeds.”

The chick was not satisfied with this answer. He wanted to soar in the air and feel the wind on his feathers. He decided to find a way to learn how to fly.

One day, he saw a sparrow perched on a branch near the farm. The sparrow was small and brown, but he had a bright red chest and a cheerful song. The chick thought, “Maybe he can teach me how to fly. He looks friendly and smart.”

He approached the sparrow and said, “Hello, Mr. Sparrow. You are a very beautiful bird. Can you please teach me how to fly?”

The sparrow was surprised to see the chick. He said, “Hello, little chick. You are very brave to talk to me. But why do you want to learn how to fly? You are a chicken, and chickens don’t fly.”

The chick said, “I know, but I have a dream. I want to see the world from above. I want to feel free and happy. Please, Mr. Sparrow, won’t you help me?”

The sparrow felt sorry for the chick. He said, “Well, I suppose I can try. But it won’t be easy. Flying is not something you can learn in a day. It takes practice and patience and courage. Are you sure you are ready for this?”

The chick nodded eagerly. He said, “Yes, I am ready. I will do whatever you say. Thank you, Mr. Sparrow. You are very kind.”

The sparrow smiled and said, “You’re welcome, little chick. Let’s begin then. Follow me to the top of the barn. That’s where we will start our lesson.”

The chick followed the sparrow to the top of the barn. It was a long and steep climb, and the chick was panting and sweating by the time he reached the roof. He looked down and saw the farm below. He felt dizzy and scared.

The sparrow said, “Don’t be afraid, little chick. This is the first step. You have to overcome your fear of heights. Look at the horizon, not the ground. See how vast and beautiful the world is. Imagine yourself flying over it.”

The chick tried to do as the sparrow said. He looked at the horizon and saw the sun shining and the clouds floating. He felt a surge of excitement and wonder. He said, “Wow, it’s amazing. I want to fly there.”

The sparrow said, “Good, that’s the spirit. Now, the next step is to flap your wings. You have to flap them hard and fast, like this.” He demonstrated how to flap his wings, creating a breeze with his feathers.

The chick copied the sparrow and flapped his wings. He felt a slight lift in his body, but he was still on the ground. He said, “It’s not working. I’m not flying.”

The sparrow said, “Don’t give up, little chick. You have to keep trying. Flapping your wings is not enough. You also have to jump. You have to jump off the roof and trust yourself. That’s the final step.”

The chick looked at the edge of the roof and gulped. He said, “Jump? Off the roof? Are you sure?”

The sparrow said, “Yes, I’m sure. That’s how I learned to fly. That’s how all birds learn to fly. It’s the only way. You have to take a leap of faith. Come on, little chick. You can do it. I’ll be right beside you.”

The chick hesitated. He was afraid of falling and hurting himself. He was afraid of failing and disappointing the sparrow. He was afraid of losing his dream. He said, “I don’t know, Mr. Sparrow. I’m scared.”

The sparrow said, “I understand, little chick. It’s normal to be scared. But you have to face your fear. You have to believe in yourself. You have to remember why you want to fly. Think of your dream, little chick. Think of your dream.”

The chick thought of his dream. He thought of the sky and the wind and the freedom. He thought of how happy he would be if he could fly. He thought of how proud he would make his mother and siblings. He thought of how grateful he was to the sparrow for his help.

He took a deep breath and said, “OK, Mr. Sparrow. I’m ready. Let’s do this. Let’s fly.”

He flapped his wings harder than ever and ran to the edge of the roof. He jumped off the roof and felt a moment of terror as he fell. But then he felt a sudden lift as the air caught his wings. He was flying. He was really flying.

He looked at the sparrow and saw him smiling and cheering. He said, “I did it, Mr. Sparrow. I did it. I’m flying. I’m flying.”

The sparrow said, “Yes, you did it, little chick. You did it. You’re flying. You’re flying.”

They flew together in the sky, laughing and singing. They flew over the farm and the fields and the trees. They flew over the mountains and the rivers and the lakes. They flew over the world and saw its beauty and wonder.

The chick was the happiest he had ever been. He said, “Thank you, Mr. Sparrow. Thank you for teaching me how to fly. Thank you for making my dream come true.”

The sparrow said, “You’re welcome, little chick. You’re welcome for everything. But you should know, I didn’t teach you how to fly. You taught yourself how to fly. You had the power within you all along. You just needed a little push and a little guidance. You did it all by yourself, little chick. You did it all by yourself.”

The chick realized that the sparrow was right. He had the power within him all along. He just needed to believe in himself and follow his dream. He said, “Thank you, Mr. Sparrow. Thank you for everything. You are the best teacher and the best friend I ever had.”

The sparrow said, “You’re welcome, little chick. You’re welcome for everything. You are the best student and the best friend I ever had.”

They hugged each other and continued to fly in the sky. They were happy and free and fulfilled. They were living their dream.

The end.

  ——————-[ Authors Note ]—————-

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